Wednesday, June 22, 2011


Well this is what Andreas has been waiting for!
The boys went fishing, Andreas was so happy, he is even out fishing on the boat as I write this note.
He really has taken to this fishing lark.
They are planning to go deep sea fishing on Saturday, and try and catch a Marlin.
I've told the boys if they catch any sharks today they have to throw them back, we have so much fish in the freezer and we are eating fish nearly every night of the week.
We also have had a feed of crabs as well.
I expect when we leave here on Sunday the freezer will be full.
We have been staying at the house here in Exmouth, Neil has made us very welcome and its a lovely house.
and the plus for me they have foxtel(I'm overloading with UK TV.
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Sunday, June 19, 2011


We spent a week in coral bay, caught up with some friends that we met near Kalbarri.
Had a great time although it did get a bit windy that we couldn't go fishing but when you have got good company you make your own fun.
This was a picture of us fishing at the beginning of the week and I caught a fish my first cast into the water. Andreas is not very pleased as I keep catching fish and he doesn't. I,m sure he will make up for it once we get to Exmouth and he can go fishing in the boat with Neil.
As you can see from the pictures we are both having fun and we are totally relaxed, can't believe that we have been away for 4 months. Getting used to not working, you don't even know what day of the week it is nevermind the date.
I'm very pleased and surprised that we have taken to this lifestyle so quick and not with too
many problems.

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This is the one mile jetty at Carnarvon, the weather wasn't very kind to us here hence the lack of photographs.
We did catch the train to the end of the jetty and did a bit of fishing, wouldn't be rushing back here. Lots of locals around ( there is a centerlink in town), no centerlink no locals.
It rained most of the weekend so didn't really do much.
What a difference the weather makes to a place, we could come back here , sun shining and love the place.
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Sunday, June 5, 2011


You think the last sunset was the best and we keep getting surprised, this country has got such beautiful sunsets and we where sitting outside of the motorhome having a drink and this is what we experienced.
ARE YOU JEALOUS !!!!!!!!!!

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This is a place that we stayed in when we left Denham, this is one of the free camps that we have found along the way.
As you can see there is nothing here but it is right by the water, you can sit outside of your door and look at the ocean.
I suppose it would be very different if the weather was not as good as it has been.
Tried fishing here we had a bit of luck got enough for one meal, we will have to try again when we get to Carnarvon.
I like these free camps but we have to come into caravan parks to top up with water get some washing done but you do tend to make friends quicker at the free camps. It seems that in the caravan parks the age group is older too.
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Had a nice time checking out the dolphins , we didn't get up early for the feeding because we found out that they only pick a few people out from the crowd, so we went to Monkey Mia in the afternoon. There was six in the water off the jetty, its now very commercial and I feel it is a money making racket.
Glad we came to shark bay but i don't think you would be missing anything if you give it a miss.

Andreas tried fishing off the jetty in Denham but had no luck, everyone around was catching squid but not us.
Andreas even got squirted with some ink from a very large squid , he was not amused.

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