Monday, September 1, 2014


 We have been heading south from Port Douglas along the coast for the last month or so, but the weather hasnt been very kind to us , we have had a lot of rain but things have now started to improve. We travelled with a group of Victorians for three weeks and had some good fun. We were all tavelling in the same direction so we decided to travel togther, the group finally split directions but we are all going to keep in touch.

 We have spent a couple of weeks just north of Townsville, nice camps on the side of the ocean. Its lovely listening to the sea when you are lying in your bed. The only downside to this area is the sand flies and the mozzies, they have bitten me to pieces but they dont find Andreas very tasty(must be all the alcohol in his blood)

 We went on a tour in Tully around a sugar mill , it was very interesting. When you see all the sugar cane up here its good to know what happens to it. You see fields of sugar cane, bananas and some pineapples. Up in the tablelands you see coffee and tea so much so that i now drink Nerada tea which is from the tablelands up here in Queensland.

 Here is the croc that andreas caught in his crabpot, it was a huge surprise and was a point of excitement in the camp. Unfortuntely it drowned but we didnt know this when we dragged it in, if it was dead or alive. Very scary, it turned out to be a very healthy 5yr old male (thats what the fisheries guy told us when he came to collect him), so no shoes for me or belt for Andreas. So I now have my very own Greek Dundee.

 Below are a couple of pictures from a place called Paranella Park, it is a very interesting place to visit.
All built by a Spanish migrant, with its own Hydro electricity plant. The present owners are slowly resorting it back to its glory. Most of it was constructed by this one man, he was very ahead of the times

  • We are still having a great time, not sure which direction we are going to take now just waiting to see wether we are going to be driving very quickly down to melbourne for the last weekend in September

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