Monday, August 8, 2011


These are just a couple of the photo's that we took of the lake, its massive, it took about 15 mins just to fly over it and it holds as much water as 23 sydney harbour's.
If you look at the second picture it actually looks like a crocodile.
The flight took 2 hours, it was a very small plane, only 6 passengers, and guess what i flelt sick most of the way, I'm glad we did it but if we are taking anymore flights I am going to get some travel sickness tablets. (thankgod the flight was only 2 hours)

We are planning to go to the caravan park at Lake Argyle, its it right by the Ord river Dam. We have heard that it is worth going to see and spend the night. Then we will be crossing over to the NT, its only took us 5 /6 months to get this far.
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