Wednesday, August 24, 2011


This is a couple of the hot springs that we visited on the way down from Darwin.

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This is one of the rest stops that we stayed in just as we crossed the border into Queensland. We ended up staying there for three days and this is the view from the front of the van.
It is very relaxing to be woken up by the birds, lots of diffent types , tried fishing but no luck and the cows decided to wander past much to Bobbys amusement who thought they where big dogs.
We changed our plans to head down to Alice and through the centre till later when its not so chilly at night, so we are going to explore northern Queensland untill the wet season comes, then make a hasty retreat south.
Not sure how much we will get done but we can always come back.
Going to a place called Karumba, then heading towards Cairns and the Atherton table lands.

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Tuesday, August 16, 2011


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These bids Kites came right next to the boat that we where travelling on.
They got so close, trying to catch the food that was being thrown from the boat.
It was like a seen from Alfred Hitchcocks movie 'The Birds'
Its so nice to see this can of nature up close.
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This is what you have to watch out for when you are up here in the Northern Territories,
these crocs are so big and they are so fast, they reckon that they see you much sooner than you ever see them.
The water is so muddy that they can move through the water without making even a ripple on the surface.
You don't go swimming here!!!!!!!
There are quite a few hot springs in this area which are safe for swimming but it is not uncommom for a salt water croc to be found in them.
They then close the spring catch it and then reopen.

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Friday, August 12, 2011


This is a group of people that we have made friends with and we all went to Litchfield national park.
The waterfalls where beautiful and we had a lovely day having a look around, Bobby was left behind with the neighbours.
We have made good friends with this family from New Zealand, and have met up with them about 5 times, and hopefully we will catch up again down the road.

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We entered into NT on the 29th of July, you become very aware of the crocs here, Andreas tells me that the second picture is of a croc which was hanging around the boat ramp.
I have included a picture of a boab tree that was in the campground that we stayed at called Big horse campground.

Its very warm but we are not complaining, average temp of 30deg.
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This is the few from the swimming pool at the caravan park at lake Argyle, it was a great place to stay and we went for a walk down to the Ord River Dam.

The view that you are looking at was taken as we sat watching the sunset with a drink in hand watching the sunset.
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Monday, August 8, 2011


Just a snap shot of Kununurra from the air, this place is so green.
This is what things could look like all the way down to Perth if they would only put the pipeline down from the Ord River. When you see the amount of water that poors over the dam into the sea its a disgrace.
The irrigation system that they have put in up here is marvellous. Look how green it is, they grow mango's grapefruit, melons and the biggest crop is sandlewood. I was very impressed!

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I hope you get an idea from these pictures how vast everything is up here. The first picture is of one of the homesteads, as you can see it is totally by itself. You can't pop out to the local shops if you have forgotten the milk ( maybe fly out).
We decided to do this flight over because we couldn't take the van in , the roads are 4 wheel drive only and the roads in are very limited.
It takes 2.5 hours to drive the 50k road in.
I think also when you are in the air you get more of any idea how large they are.
I would recomend if you are this area that this flight is a must see thing to do! It cost $265 each for the 2 hour flight.
We where going to do a flight from Derby over the horizontal falls and up over Cape Laveque on a sea plane but these flights are booked weeks in advance. That flight takes over 4 hours and cost $700, can you imagine feeling sick for that lenght of time.

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These are just a couple of the photo's that we took of the lake, its massive, it took about 15 mins just to fly over it and it holds as much water as 23 sydney harbour's.
If you look at the second picture it actually looks like a crocodile.
The flight took 2 hours, it was a very small plane, only 6 passengers, and guess what i flelt sick most of the way, I'm glad we did it but if we are taking anymore flights I am going to get some travel sickness tablets. (thankgod the flight was only 2 hours)

We are planning to go to the caravan park at Lake Argyle, its it right by the Ord river Dam. We have heard that it is worth going to see and spend the night. Then we will be crossing over to the NT, its only took us 5 /6 months to get this far.
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