Friday, November 21, 2014


 Here he is, happy smiling face, Andreas has taken to retirement so well, he is enjoying himself , taking things easy. It has become a very easy way of life, no stress, no big decisions to make, moving when we feel we want to and generally just having a good time.
You meet some good people travelling around, yes its true most are a lot older than us but we have met and made some good new friends,

 The Eyre Penisula is a great place for fishing, and since retirement Andreas has really taken to fishing.
He can go for hours and not catch anything but i must admit we have had so much fish lately, he has had the opportunity to go fish on various boats with different people and he has had such a good time, catching squid, whiting. king george, herring and salmon,

 We have spent the last five weeks on the Eyre but now its time to head towards Melbourne as we are going to Tasmania on the 19th dec, we have got just over three weeks to get there so we will be taking things slowly, We are looking forward to seeing Tasmania its a place we have always wanted to go, and is very popular with the grey nomads.