Monday, October 20, 2014


 Well look where we have been, it takes many kilometers and effort to get to this spot but it is somethinhg you need to see.  It's a very special place and I am very happy that we decided to head into the centre.
 Its got to be the only place I have been to that when you go to watch the sunset you don't look in the direction of the sun but at the rock to see the effect the falling sun has on the colours. 
The photos don't do it justice !
While we where here the weather was hot so they discourage / close walking on the rock, the third picture shows the way up and as you can see it is not an easy ascent. 
The locals are trying to discourage tourists going onto the rock for cultural reasons.

 Andreas with a few of his brothers, this was a group of locals performing in the local resort for all the tourists encouraging people to get up and dance. 
Andreas went for a picture but didnt dance which as we all know is quite unusual for him but then it was in the afternoon and ( no beers in his tummy )

 These next pictures are from the town of Coober Pedy, which is an opal mining town 80% of the people living here live underground.
 It was a fasinating place to visit, of coarse Andreas is in his favourite place behind the bar.

 Look what we came across , an Emu with eleven chicks. that would take some looking after.
 Also we stopped at a road side stop and came across this birds nest in the corner of a shelter and the final picure is from the camp at Point Lowly which is just outside Whyalla on the Eyre penisula SA.
One of our favorite camps to stay, the picture is the view from our front door and at $5 a night a bargain as well.