Saturday, December 14, 2013


 Its been a couple of weeks since i have put anything on the blog but we are having problems with our internet server, dont think it is sorted yet but we will see.
Heading along the Great Ocean road in Victoria, lots to see, the weather is still grotty this is not helped by listening to the weather back in Perth.
Very tempted to turn around and go back to the west but if you dont come to Victoria in summer when do you!
Will be in Melbourne for christmas and the new year and from there who knows where,
Hope you like the photo of the sunset, Andreas is very proud of it. We have so many great photos it is hard to pick out just a few to put on the blog.

Went for a walk along the beach and found this kangaroo, it looks very strange to see one not in the bush next to the ocean.
We are staying in a camp site for the weekend and there must be 50 kangaroos outside, got up very early this morning to find two kangaroos boxing right outside our front window. We have seen kangaroos before but never this many os so close.
Will put some photos next time.
Merry christmas to everyone who maybe reading this blog