Sunday, October 30, 2011


This was an overnight stop that we stayed on our way to the Ayr penisula, it is right by the railway line and the building is the old railway station although the train doesn't stop here anymore,its a tiny little place with a hotel and a shop.
As you can see in the picture our new car that we bought in Queensland, it makes getting around much better. We are both very pleased that we got the car.
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We get to see all types of wildlife travelling through the bush, still not seen any camels yet but recently seen these emu's at the side of the road.
Snakes, kangeroos, wild pigs, bob tail lizards and lots of birds but unfortunately most of these animals are road kill.
We have seen lots of wild goats as we were driving towards SA, it makes the travel through the bush more interesting.

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Sunday, October 23, 2011


This is us all watching the rugby, as we were traveliing with a New Zealand family they loved the rugby , so as the world cup was on it was an opportunity to get together and have a few drinks and watch the game.(not that i was very interested).
Not that we need an excuse to have a few drinks
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JUST US!!!!!

Just two nice pictures just incase you have forgotten what i look like and its a nice picture of bobby.
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Friday, October 14, 2011


We where very lucky the weather held up for us but the time we got to the snorkling it had turned a bit cool and it was a little bit choppy out there.
Well I chickened out, didn't feel comfortable so I gave it a miss, will have to practise in a pool or at the beach, not jumping into the water and not able to put your feet down although they do give you noodles (the floating thing) but wasn't happy so didn't take part.
Went for a ride in the glass bottom boat, and by the way Andreas had a go but didn't stay in the water very long.
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This was our next stop up to the lookout, very pretty place. we had to walk through the trees to get to it and by the time i have got home that night i have been bitten to pieces by the mosquitos, I put suncream on because we are on the beach and didn't think about he repellent needed for walking through the bush.

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As you can see we made it here, very glad we decided to do this trip out.
Bobby is being looked after by the man in the next caravan, so i hope he behaves himself.
This is the first beach (whitehaven) that we have stopped at, going to do some swimming then we get a BBQ lunch. The goanna that you see in the picture was walking around the tables where we are having our lunch.

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This is the town that you leave from to go the whitsunday islands.
We are going to stay here for a couple of days and see if we can get on a trip over to the islands and maybe have a go at snorkling.
Need to get someone to watch the dog for the day. The weather is a bit stormy at the moment but it seems to be missing this area so fingers crossed we will have a good trip out on the boat.
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Tuesday, October 11, 2011


This was a lovely park that we found quite close to where we are staying in Townsville.
You could easily spend the whole day wandering around these gardens.
There was a childrens party going on at he time, it is a great place for a picnic, plenty of room and not upsetting anyone.

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This one of the beaches that we have stayed in Northern Queensland, although there is still the possibilty of a salt water croc in the sea so you do tend not to go in the water and at the end of this month the stinger season starts so you don't want to be swimming.
It is such a waste having such nice beaches and you can't go in the water.
The camp site is next to the beach and it is free, no power but we have all we need in the van so we do save some money staying in the free camps.
Caravan parks are for long showers and doing the washing.
Last month out of 30 days we only paid for 10.
WA is so far behind the rest of the country, you get nothing for free in WA
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Tuesday, October 4, 2011


These are some of the photographs that Andreas took one afternoon when the boys went to one of the waterfalls in the area, it was lucky that their mothers were not watching, they had so much fun !
Andreas was very pleased with the resulting pictures by the time he got home he had taken 250 pictures, thank goodness for digital camera's because i can't imagine how many thousands of pictues he has taken on this trip. Just incase whoever maybe reading this blog this is a family that we have been traveling with for the last 6 weeks.

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Andreas has spent hours fishing recently but not having much luck but we stayed in a spot at the beach called Balgal, here he caught 6 crabs but it happened over a few hours plus many trips back and forth to the river bank.
He has been out again today fishing but no luck, all the crabs that he has been catching are females and they have to be put back, this crab in the picture he was very proud of.
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